Parent/Camper Log In
To get back to your application and camping account please click here.
Parent/Camper Handbook
Please take the time to read and familiarize yourself with our parent camper
handbook. The valuable information provided will help you and your camper(s)
prepare for their camping experience. Everything provided in the handbook is very
important information for both you and your camper to help them have the best
experience possible. You can find the link to the handbook. Parent Camper Handbook
Dress Code
At CSG our camp dress code is modest camp casual. All campers are asked to
follow the dress code policy. Both boys and girls should be sure to pack clothing
that is church appropriate for Liturgy during camp. Be sure to pack both modest daily clothing and swimwear. Please see our handbook
for specifics and follow the link for examples of what to wear and what not to wear
at camp. Helpful Reminder Click Here!
Homesickness can be a common occurrence when attending camp. Please
familiarize yourself with good practices provided in the link on ways to help your
camper. You can find a great resource on homesickness on the ACA website here.
Camp Health
CSG will have medical personnel on-site at all times for the health and safety of
our campers and staff. The medical staff is responsible for daily medications,
first aid, assessing medical situations, and notifying parents of emergency
treatment outcomes, and health screenings.
Camp Packing List
Please follow the detailed list closely when packing with your camper. It is
important to include your camper in the camping process, or familiarize them
with what is needed, so they know what they have in their luggage. Please
double-check to be sure your younger campers have all they need necessary for
a good camping experience, and to avoid overpacking.
After Camp
Below are also some wonderful articles on ways to help your camper/staff when
they return home from camp.